Do not let the marketing fool you: The Next Three Days is not an action film. It is more of a suspense movie with romantic and action interludes. Paul Haggis, the director of this movie, does a better job than most directors do nowadays with mixing the tear-jerking parts with the heart-racing parts with the suspense. Where the movie lacks, Crowe and Banks make up for.
This film has to start off slow. It hits the viewers with a big scene and then leaves us wanting more. We do not get much more in the terms of vengeful, prison-breaking moments until the end. The whole film is about this man willing to do anything for the woman he loves. Russell Crowe was perfect in this role, but the movie wasn’t perfect for Crowe. The long drawn out scenes were only bearable because of these two actors and no other reason.
Other problems for The Next Three Days were the other two, so called, “main” actors. Liam Neeson and Olivia Wilde, both usually good (and are in this), but their screen time is so limited that the viewer leaves feeling used. I thought, “Cool! Russell Crowe and Liam Neeson and Olivia Wilde in an action film! I’m in!” But it is wrong on both accounts. With barely five minutes of screen time, I do not even understand why they bothered with this film.
Do not get me wrong, I am stating the bad things about this film, but there is still plenty of heart in this movie and many moments to look forward to at the last thirty minutes of the movies. I think a more appropriate title for the movie would be The Next Thirty Minutes. The movie is also shot very well, complimenting the story telling and the performances. I say see it if you are a Russell Crowe fan, or just wait for it to come on DVD.
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