Tuesday, April 27, 2010

X2- 4.5 stars & X-Men: The Last Stand- 1.5 stars

X2 has very few problems. The story is an improvement on the first because we now know these characters and back stories. There is good foundation from X-Men. Now we get into more action and plot. The dialogue is less awkward than the previous and the music has what I hoped the first one would have been like.

(SPOILER ALERT) Put simply, Wolverine doesn’t find out who he was and returns to be babysitter when Professor X and Cyclops go to visit Magneto, and Storm and Jean try to find a killer mutant who tried to kill the president. The mansion is attacked and Rogue, Iceman, and Pyro escape with Wolverine while the rest are kidnapped (other than Strom and Jean who do find Nightcrawler, the killing mutant) by Stryker, a human who is bent on killing all mutants. Magneto escapes from his prison and finds Storm and Jean, and Wolverine and his gang. They make their way to Alkali Lake where they free the mutants, but one does end up being killed. (END OF SPOILERS)

The main problem I had with this movie was still Storm. Halle Berry cannot do a good performance to save her life. Many of her lines would not be considered “cheesy” lines or “corny”, but when she says them, they are.

But it is definitely the best in the series and is highly recommended.

On the other hand, the next movie, X-Men: The Last Stand, is the absolute worst in the series. Why did Bryan Singer have to leave the series? It is beyond comprehension. The story was flawed, no emotion went behind the majority of the performances, and the music went back to being horrendous with the addition of John Powell.

(SPOILER ALERT) Short version: a cure to mutation is found. Magneto tries to destroy the source of the cure. Jean Grey is brought back to life (yes, she is the one that is killed at the end of the last movie) and is now evil because of her alter ego. She ends up killing Professor X. And, as always, Wolverine saves the day and kills Jean for good. (END OF SPOILERS)

They incorporate one of the greatest mutants in the comic books poorly. I was so excited when I heard that Angel would be in it, but he was in it for four scenes. Also, WHAT HAPPENED TO NIGHTCRAWLER? He’s the greatest mutant from the last movie and he’s not in it? COME ON! Even Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart were not fantastic like the other two films. With all of the poor acting and horrible use of the actors, Halle Berry didn’t seem as bad (but she was).

The only great thing about this movie (other than Hugh Jackman) was Kelsey Grammer as Beast. At first, I thought that he would be horrendous as an action hero because he has never done an action movie before (not to my knowledge, at least). But he kicked butt in the movie.

But even seeing Kelsey Grammer doing back flips and killing a few bad mutants isn’t worth seeing the movie. It isn’t worth the money to see it unless you find it at a cheap, second-hand store.

Next time: Twilight Saga.

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